July 13, 2020
Congratulations to Benjamin, Kelly, Elias and Dušan
Congratulations to Linguistics PhD student Peng (Benjamin) Han, who successfully defended his thesis, Investigating extra-sentential factors & roles in interpreting Mandarin ziji: the interaction of extra-sentential (co)reference and intra-sentential coreference, on Friday July 10, 2020.
Please join us in congratulating Peng (Benjamin) and thanking our colleagues for supporting Benjamin in his work: Dennis Storoshenko, (Supervisor), Betsy Ritter and David Liebesman (supervisory committee), Shu-Ning Sciban (Internal Examiner), Isabelle Charnavel (Harvard University, External Examiner), and Steve Winters (Neutral Chair).
Congratulations Benjamin!
Congratulations to Linguistics PhD student Kelly Burkinshaw, who successfully defended her thesis, Vowel Space, Variability, and Lexical Context in Infant Speech Perception, on Friday, May 29, 2020.
Please join us in congratulating Kelly and her supervisor, Dr. Suzanne Curtin, and in thanking the members of Kelly's supervisory committee – Steve Winters and Yvan Rose (MUN). Thanks also to examiners Angela George and Katherine White (Waterloo) and to Neutral Chair, Darin Flynn.
Great job Kelly!
Congratulations to Linguistics PhD student Elias Abdollahjnejad, who passed the (virtual) oral defence of his PhD thesis, Online and Offline Examinations of Constituent Order in Persian Ditransitives on Friday, May 15, 2020.
Please join us in congratulating Elias and in thanking our colleagues for their work in supporting Elias on his thesis and defence:
Dennis Storoshenko (Supervisor); Susanne Carroll and Betsy Ritter (Supervisory Committee Members); Penny Pexman (Psychology, Internal Examiner); Jila Ghomeshi (University of Manitoba, External Examiner); and Steve Winters (Neutral Chair).
Way to go Elias!
Congratulations also to Linguistics PhD student Dušan Nikolić, who was awarded the prestigious Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarship. This represents the first time a Linguistics graduate student has been awarded this Scholarship.
The Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarship is awarded to doctoral students of outstanding caliber. Please join us in congratulating Dušan.
Keep up the amazing work Dušan!