March 28, 2016

Quick Chat: Internationalization at home

Werklund prof says students need not travel abroad to round out understanding of the world around them
Associate Dean Colleen Kawalilak
Associate Dean Colleen Kawalilak

In post-secondary education, internationalization usually means that an institution is opening its doors to students from around the world, or that students on a campus take part in a study abroad program or get involved in international travel in some other form.

But what about the local student who is unable to take part in an exchange or study abroad program—how can we, as an institution, foster the idea of internationalization at home?

According to Colleen Kawalilak, there are many resources available on hand that can help to promote the concept of internationalization for students—and academic and support staff as well—who don't or can't travel away from their home campus.

The Associate Professor and Associate Dean Internationalization in the Werklund School of Education says that opening everyone up to cultural diversity is key to the development of a well-rounded student.
